
  • +234814 253 9234
  • Publications

    1. Ugot OA., and Yinka-Banjo, C., “Biometric Fingerprint Generation using Generative Adversarial Networks. Springer; Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Security: Methods, Issues and Possible Horizons or Opportunities (AIC), to be published May 2021.

    2. Akinyemi, M., Yinka-Banjo, C., Ugot, O.A. and Nwachuku, A., 2020, March. Estimating the Time Lapse Between Medical Insurance Reimbursement with Non-parametric Regression Models. In Future of Information and Communication Conference (pp. 692-704). Springer, Cham.

    3. Yinka-Banjo, C., Ugot, O.A., Misra, S., Adewumi, A., Damasevicius, R. and Maskeliunas, R., 2019, June. Conflict resolution via emerging technologies?. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol.1235, No. 1, p. 012022). IOP Publishing.

    4. Yinka-Banjo, C. and Ugot, O.A., 2019. A review of generative adversarial networks and its application in cybersecurity. Artificial Intelligence Review, pp.1-16.

    5. Yinka-Banjo, C., and Ugot, O., 2018, ‘ A Predictive Model for Automatic Generation Control in Smart Grids using Artificial Neural Networks’, AFRICATEK 2018: 2nd EAI International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Developing Countries, Cotonou, Benin.