
  • +234803 326 3578
  • Publications

    1. G. A. Idowu, M. O. Adamu, B. A. Sawyerr. (2020): Hybrid Metaheuristic for Just-in-Time Scheduling in a Flow Shop with Distinct Time Windows. International Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Optimization: Theory and Applications. vol. 2020 (1), 741-756.

    2. K. Igbineweka, B. A. Sawyerr, E. P. Fasina. (2020) Improved Plant Species Identification Using Convolutional Neural Networks with Transfer Learning and Test Time Augmentation. In: Subair S., Thron C. (eds) Implementations and Applications of Machine Learning. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 782:197 – 206, Springer, Cham.

    3. B. A. Sawyerr, A. O. Adewumi, and M. M. Ali. (2014): Benchmarking RCGAu on the Noiseless BBOB Testbed, Recent Advancements in Soft Computing and its Application. The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2014, Article ID 734957, 2014.

    4. B. A. Sawyerr, A. O. Adewumi, and M. M. Ali. (2014): Real-coded genetic algorithm with uniform random local search, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 228 (6), 589–597.

    5. B. A. Sawyerr, A. O. Adewumi, and M. M. Ali. (2013): Benchmarking Projection-Based Real Coded Genetic Algorithm on BBOB-2013 Noiseless Function Testbed, In Proceedings of the 15th annual conference companion on Genetic and evolutionary